Sunday, 24 November 2013

The Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 24th of November Edition


This edition of The Procrastinator is sweet and short. Well, right after this words there's a photo of Cody Wilson, so maybe is just a short edition. While you are reading this we are preparing to go and share our Sunday here, if you're in London, you definitely should join. If not, you have really good articles to read: a couple of articles about JFK via VICE and El País, one very interesting and absolutely scary about the post-antibiotics world via Medium. Inspiration in film by Jonas Mekas via Dazed Digital, and Nymphomaniac's trailer, in our Culture & Entertainment section, is worth seen today because is [NSFW] and part of the Photoautomat section too (now you're intrigued, right?). We have Rita Fernández as guest writer sharing with us her weekly procrastination. And finally, La Guia del Perro's In Dog We Trust share with us some of her amazing tips and two adorable dogs: Ginny and Otter.

Happy Sunday and happy reading!


Photo via VICE.

It has been a lot of articles written, photo galleries posted, and dusty conspiracy theories being polished lately about JFK in the 50th anniversary of his dead... and the beginning of his myth? Danny McDonald's article in VICE talks a bit about that, this is how it starts: "Seated behind his anchor’s desk, Edward R Murrow lights up a cigarette while listening to John F Kennedy read a passage from American poet Alan Seeger. It's one of the coolest interview snippets in the history of American media. And that says a lot about what JFK has become: an icon who once happened to be president. My generation knows him as a really good-looking guy who married a really good-looking woman, with whom he had really good-looking children, before he was shot in the head while being driven through Dallas, Texas. Details of his presidency are, at best, vaguely understood, and mostly we ignore his political legacy. Bay of Pigs? Don’t harsh the mellow, bro – just look at that hair." Read full article here. E.T.P. 6' and if you speak Spanish you can also read this other interesting article called Los que vieron morir a JFK in El País. E.T.P. 10'

Photo via The Independent.

Cody Wilson, the 25 years old man, driven by a libertarian philosophy and by the desire to put a gun in the hands of anyone who wants one, was named by Wired magazine as one of the world’s 15 most dangerous people (below Bashar al-Assad but above Paula Broadwell) after he created a gun that can be downloaded and built with a 3D printer. The online blueprint for his handgun – the Liberator – has been downloaded 100,000 times since it was released in May. I am equally scared of Wilson and every single one of the 100.000 people that downloaded his files. Paul Peachy in the Independent writes about Wilson's visit to London and his new mission: to challenge the global financial system. Read full article here.

Photo: Maureen Drennan via The New Yorker.

Buzzkill. Now that marijuana is legal in a number of states, Patrick Radden Keefe explores how Washington State discovered that is not easy to create an economy around it and its efforts to develop it without turning too many of its citizens into potheads. Read this interesting article in The New Yorker. E.T.P 22'

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