Dear friends,
Welcome to the last edition of 2015 of The Procrastinator (some) Times. 2015 was a very intense year, not the best I've remember, definitely. This is how I wave you good-bye 2015 (merci Marine for such accurate representation of my feelings).
So, here are the articles that we have been reading lately and that will make a meaningful procrastination during this lazy January days.
In our News and Science sections: New research on the role that poverty plays in intellectual development finds that a disadvantaged environment can prevent genetics from doing its job. The Economist promises to explain Thomas Piketty's (massive) "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" in four decent sized paragraphs. The Independent will teach you how to cut down on meat without going cold turkey, if that's what you're into with this New Year's resolutions. Ozy introduce us to Jeremy England, the man who can change what we think about evolution... and faith.
In our Culture & Entertainment sections: the artist Francis Alÿs will stage workshops at an Iraqi refugee camp as part of the project Creativity for Survival: Art Workshops in Refugee Camps in Iraq. Gotta love Alÿs. I know, I do. CityLab, on the other hand, have compiled a list of myths we’re tired of debunking and phrases we’re tired of seeing—not to mention writing; from "hipster" to "sharing economy." #HatersGonnaHate. Ari Basciani, of Culturetas, shares with us this list published by The Atlantic of the TV shows to look forward to in 2016, and our collaborator Kerilyn shares why we should be watching The Royals.
So, this is it. We will be back soon(-ish), don't worry and enjoy your parties, your readings and keep making your procrastination a meaningful one in 2016!
Happy happy new year!