From the Internet reactions to the unfortunate anti-gay comments of Barilla's chairman, to Breaking Bad's Walter White as a role-model entrepreneur. From Asimov and Sagan's reflections on why we go to space, to a project to edit an in-vitro meat cooking book. From a study that show the three most popular (erotic) search terms per state in America, to the thoughts of Woody Allen on the Acropolis. This edition is pretty varied, and for sure you will spend your procrastinating minutes reading very interesting and fun articles. So go ahead, when it comes to procrastination, there's no time to lose!
Have a nice read and a happy Sunday.
Photo: Hillary Clinton via The New Yorker.
The Coming Hillary Clinton Train Wreck. Amy Davison asks in The New Yorker: "Do people really think that a Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign is a good idea—for the Democratic Party, our collective sanity, even for her?" Maybe, continues Davison, "some political locomotives just move ahead, even if the wreck is predestined, and her campaign is now coming around the bend". Read full article in The New Yorker.
Image by vlads-madhouse.tumblr.com via Buzzfeed.
On Thursday gay rights groups called for a boycott of the world’s biggest pasta maker Barilla after the company’s chairman said he would never use homosexual couples in his advertisements. Read full article in The Independent, and see some Internet responses to Barilla's chairman remarks on Buzzfeed.
Image: Brett Ryder via The Economist.
So, tonight airs the last episode of Breaking Bad. We are going to be watching it as soon as we can and you should too, not only because is one of the best TV shows ever, but because the Breaking Bad phenomenon, is, according to The Economist, one of the best studies available of the dynamics of modern business. "A Harvard MBA will set you back $90,000 (plus two years’ lost income). You can buy a deluxe edition of all five seasons of “Breaking Bad”, complete with a plastic money barrel, for $209.99, or a regular edition for less than $80." Read this very interesting article in The Economist and if you want to leave a comment making a prediction about Mr. White and Jesse's destiny, please do so!
From the Internet reactions to the unfortunate anti-gay comments of Barilla's chairman, to Breaking Bad's Walter White as a role-model entrepreneur. From Asimov and Sagan's reflections on why we go to space, to a project to edit an in-vitro meat cooking book. From a study that show the three most popular (erotic) search terms per state in America, to the thoughts of Woody Allen on the Acropolis. This edition is pretty varied, and for sure you will spend your procrastinating minutes reading very interesting and fun articles. So go ahead, when it comes to procrastination, there's no time to lose!
Have a nice read and a happy Sunday.
Photo: Hillary Clinton via The New Yorker.
The Coming Hillary Clinton Train Wreck. Amy Davison asks in The New Yorker: "Do people really think that a Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign is a good idea—for the Democratic Party, our collective sanity, even for her?" Maybe, continues Davison, "some political locomotives just move ahead, even if the wreck is predestined, and her campaign is now coming around the bend". Read full article in The New Yorker.
Image by vlads-madhouse.tumblr.com via Buzzfeed.
On Thursday gay rights groups called for a boycott of the world’s biggest pasta maker Barilla after the company’s chairman said he would never use homosexual couples in his advertisements. Read full article in The Independent, and see some Internet responses to Barilla's chairman remarks on Buzzfeed.
Image: Brett Ryder via The Economist.
So, tonight airs the last episode of Breaking Bad. We are going to be watching it as soon as we can and you should too, not only because is one of the best TV shows ever, but because the Breaking Bad phenomenon, is, according to The Economist, one of the best studies available of the dynamics of modern business. "A Harvard MBA will set you back $90,000 (plus two years’ lost income). You can buy a deluxe edition of all five seasons of “Breaking Bad”, complete with a plastic money barrel, for $209.99, or a regular edition for less than $80." Read this very interesting article in The Economist and if you want to leave a comment making a prediction about Mr. White and Jesse's destiny, please do so!