Illustration: The New Yorker.
In Place of Thought. In 1913, a compilation of Gustave Flaubert’s satirical definitions was posthumously published as “Le Dictionnaire des Idées Reçues” (“The Dictionary of Received Ideas”). Teju Cole was inspired by Flaubert’s “Dictionary” to try something similar, over the course of a few hours, on Twitter. You can see the result in The New Yorker.
Photo: Seamus Heaney, via The Guardian.
Seamus Heaney, Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner, has died aged 74. Colm Tóibín in The Guardian writes a beautiful chronicle called Seamus Heaney's book were events in our lives. "In a time of burnings and bombings Heaney used poetry to offer an alternative world; he gave example by his seriousness, his honesty, his thoughtfulness, his generosity". Read it here. And from his extensive oevre, The Telegraph compiles some of his best lines. Have a look here.
Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning. Finally, this satirical piece on The Onion says it all it needs to be said about the absurd amount of links, articles, slideshows, photos, and headlines that Miley Cyrus generated this week. Amazing critic to the so-called "modern-day journalism". Read it in The Onion website, and be strong and don't click in the last link.
In Place of Thought. In 1913, a compilation of Gustave Flaubert’s satirical definitions was posthumously published as “Le Dictionnaire des Idées Reçues” (“The Dictionary of Received Ideas”). Teju Cole was inspired by Flaubert’s “Dictionary” to try something similar, over the course of a few hours, on Twitter. You can see the result in The New Yorker.
Photo: Seamus Heaney, via The Guardian.
Seamus Heaney, Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner, has died aged 74. Colm Tóibín in The Guardian writes a beautiful chronicle called Seamus Heaney's book were events in our lives. "In a time of burnings and bombings Heaney used poetry to offer an alternative world; he gave example by his seriousness, his honesty, his thoughtfulness, his generosity". Read it here. And from his extensive oevre, The Telegraph compiles some of his best lines. Have a look here.
Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning. Finally, this satirical piece on The Onion says it all it needs to be said about the absurd amount of links, articles, slideshows, photos, and headlines that Miley Cyrus generated this week. Amazing critic to the so-called "modern-day journalism". Read it in The Onion website, and be strong and don't click in the last link.
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