Sunday, 27 October 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 27th of October Edition


This week it's been very political, mostly thanks to Russell Brand (go figure). You may or may not agree with his thoughts and his ways, but he has given us a lot of material to talk about, the real stuff, not celebrity bullshit, and drawing attention to what really needs our attention is already remarkable, is already making our procrastination time meaningful and inspiring.

That on one side. On the other side, we are absolutely delighted to be starting a new photography section curated by our favourite Brooklyn-based photographer, friend, and partner in crime, Andreína Restrepo. Welcome Andre! So, pay close attention at Photoautomat, and if you want you can follow Andre in twitter: @pianpianpian.

Have a nice reading and a super happy Sunday!


Knitbombing revolution? Photo: Reuters/Cathal McNaughton via the New Stateman.

You probably heard a lot about Russell Brand this past week. His interview with Jeremy Paxman in BBC's Newsline (E.T.P. 10'46'') about him editing an issue of the New Stateman magazine (E.T.P. 4'), became viral shortly after, firstly because most people still can't get pass Brand's appearance, fame, lightheartedness, (you name it), and fail to consider him a man with something to say. But more importantly because he is absolutely right in almost everything he is saying.

Honestly I started paying attention to him, when I read his article in The Guardian about Margaret Thatcher E.T.P. 4'). Shortly after that he was invited by an American so-called news show (E.T.P. 8'34'') to talk about his play "The Messiah Complex" and he demonstrated that he was the most lucid person in the studio. By far. It was painful to see and I think that those anchormen and women still don't get it.

"I have never voted. Like most people I am utterly disenchanted by politics. Like most people I regard politicians as frauds and liars and the current political system as nothing more than a bureaucratic means for furthering the augmentation and advantages of economic elites." That is a fragment of his article in the latest New Stateman's issue. That along with the Newsline interview had a lot of people saying (in social media at least) that he might have started a revolution, and in that scenario, ironically enough, Brand might be becoming some sort of messiah.

For me the word "revolution" when is not describing the movement of an object in a circular or elliptical course around an axis, is a bit rusty and an amazing way of subtracting value to any proposal, but, hey that's just me. People is free to use words and adjectives however they want. So I ask you, what do you think about Brand's remarks, about this dying pre-existing and quite narrow paradigm and about the possibility of starting a revolution?

It would be awesome to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

The Trojan horse is the symbol of the Partido de la Red, of course. Photo via Twitter.

In the same order of ideas, in a highly political, deeply serendipitous afternoon, I came across "El Partido de la Red" (The Net's Party), an Argentinean party created by Santiago Siri, a developer, coder, gamer, that believes that in one of the most bureaucratic countries of the world (I lived in Argentina for 5 years, I know what I'm taking about), change is possible through technology.

Weirdly enough I read about Siri and El Partido de la Red thanks to a tweet from BuzzFeed, that I didn't know where producing original content. You really, really, really have to love the Internet. This is a fragment of that article:

At the heart of his new program is a piece of software: DemocraciaOS, a mobile web application that offers, right now, easy access to the doings of the Argentine Congress, and an easy way to comment on them. It’s a small taste of the digital governance Net Party candidates promise. And Siri is operating on the counterintuitive theory that Argentina, with its ossified and corrupt politics, is actually particularly ready for the revolution. “The first thing you get told when you’re proposing online democracy in a place like this is those are things for Sweden or Iceland — countries that are very rich in resources, it would never happen here,” he said. “But innovation usually happens in the place where nobody is innovating.”

Read the full article in BuzzFeed (E.T.P. 3'30''). And please, again, any comment on this subject would be highly appreciated.


Image via Fast Company.

Can casual ergonomics have a rather important influence on our thoughts and behaviors? Did my mother was right when she made me stand straight? M.I.T. management scholar Andy J. Yap, asked himself that question (the first one, not the one about my mother) and you can read some of the insights of the studies he contributed to in Fast Company. being a very important one, this: "everyday ergonomics can, in fact, make us feel powerful, but not necessarily in a good way." Read full article here. E.T.P. 3'.

Illustration via The Economist.

The article Starship Troupers in the Economist starts quoting Douglas Adams in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" saying: "Space is big, really big". Then it goes on pointing out that it's so big that even science fiction struggles to make sense of it. "But there are scientists, engineers and science-fiction writers out there who like a challenge. On October 22nd a small but dedicated audience gathered at the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) in London to hear some of them discuss the latest ideas about how interstellar travel might be made to work in the real world." Read full article in The Economist. E.T.P.: 5'


Image: The Wind Portal via Dezeen.

Have a look at this lovely movie that Lebanese designer Najla El Zein has sent Dezeen showing her 5000 spinning paper windmills being installed in a doorway at the V&A museum in London, The Wind Portal, a walk-through installation that represents a transition space from an inside to an outside area. To watch the movie and read full article in Dezeen click here. E.T.P.: 7'

Photo via Fast Company.

After promising to never run banner ads in Serch Results, Google does just that. That's the article in Fast Company that tell us how Google has broken a major promise. The problem is, Google said it was never going to do this. In a 2005 blog post written by none other than Marissa Mayer, Google promised "there will be no banner ads on the Google homepage or Web search results pages,” and also said there wouldn't be "crazy, flashy, graphical doodads" on the site to distract users. And then there's the keyword: "Ever." Read full article here. E.T.P. 2'


Illustration: Maximillian Bode via The New Yorker

What if the poetic has left the poem in the same way that Elvis has left the building? Long after the limo pulled away, the audience was still in the arena screaming for more, but poetry escaped out the backdoor and onto the Internet, where it is taking on new forms that look nothing like poetry." That is the beginning of Kenneth Goldsmith's article in The New Yorker titled: The Writer as a Meme Machine, about the interesting reflections on art, poetry, memes and "conceptualism in the wild" made by Canadian Media Scholar Darren Wershler. Read full article here. E.T.P. 5'

Photo via The New Yorker.
If like me you were waiting to see 'Blue is the Warmest Color' the movie that won the Palm d'Or this year in Cannes, this article will leave you very much surprised. "The 2013 Cannes jury, presided over by Steven Spielberg, awarded the top prize not only to the director, Abdellatif Kechiche, but to the lead actresses, too. “Three artists,” Spielberg said that May day. . . the red carpet was witness to a symphony of happy symmetry as the established Léa Seydoux, twenty-eight, and the newcomer Adèle Exarchopoulos, nineteen, flanked their director and kissed him. Then, later in summer, Seydoux and Exarchopoulos said that the shooting had been unbearable and they would never again work with Kechiche". Emily Greenhouse share the details of this story in her article Did a Director Push Too Far? in The New Yorker. E.T.P. 4'30''




PHOTO # 1: Barry Underwood


Luminescent Landscapes by Barry Underwood is actually more a multimedia piece than traditional photography, so to start the "photography section" I though we could establish how wide photography has become in the past decades.

This staged photos have been all over the web, this artist finds a spot, takes the angle and then highlights the space with the use of artificial light, the result are amazing images that looks like clips from some sci-fi movie. He defines his work as "The resulting images are surreal images, given that they result from this cross-pollination between traditional photography and theater". I think he nails it.
More info:


The Photo section is curated by the Brooklyn-based photographer Andreína Restrepo


Photo: Montjiro via Instagram.

Hello dog lover!

Hope you’re having a good day! Here are a few fun links from around the web:

An interview with the Pug who vandalized a Banksy

10 Recipes for Homemade Dog Treats

Pets & Kids... Not so different!

Ace Tales: A game for homeless dogs

Plus, two Japanese dogs you seriously need to follow on Instagram:

Montjiro, the best-dressed dog on Instagram

The adorable Iriko


Image via The Typographic Circle.

The Typographic Circle presents: The Work of Dave in the Age of Digital Revolution. David Pearson studied at Central St Martins in London (1999–2002) before taking a job at Penguin Books as text designer and later, cover designer. He played a key role in the recent re-emergence of Penguin Books through projects such as the multi-million selling Great Ideas series, Penguin by Design and the Popular Classics series. You can book tickets for this Typographic Circle event here.

Image via The Book Club FB event.

Welcome to the funhouse! Play the fearsome twists on traditional fairground games, or get involved by putting on your own circus performance. Watch your self-perception twist in the Hall of Mirrors, or feel the fear of knowing somewhere behind you a clown giggles his way along through the horrible maze of The Book Club. To see the Facebook event, click here, to buy Tickets here.

Piccadilly Circus. Photo Fran Healy.

We are regulars now of this lovely salons at the Westminster Arts Reference LIbrary and we can fully recommend them. SALON No 10: A NIGHT IN OLD LONDON travels back to the city of a century ago for a very special evening. With extraordinary unseen images and in conversation, story and song will be the Gentle Author of Spitalfields Life, London ballad singer Henrietta Keeper and pianist and boxer David Power. More info here.


Check our Pinterest Procrastination Board for more images.

And check this news about the official procrastination animal.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 20th of October Edition


This week we are very proud of Our Weekly Procrastination, because it was a day-long activity, outdoors, and absolutely free, have a look. In the News section we looked for an article that explained very simply the consequences of the US Government Shutdown. We share the last words of 35 very famous books in our Culture section. In Dog We Trust introduce us to two adorable senior dogs. We discover the Darknet and Small Data in the Business section. And in Science we discovered that there might be another end of the world coming soon!

Happy Sunday and have a nice read!


Photo: John Boehner via Rolling Stone.

Robin Martin of Rolling Stone magazine writes about the winners and the losers of the US Government Shutdown: "After two weeks of madness, with only hours to go before the U.S. government potentially defaulted on its loans, Congress finally passed a new budget and raised the debt ceiling last night. Thanks to the last-minute deal, we have at least three months before we have to worry about another impasse and impending global economic catastrophe – and sadly, these days, that's what we call progress." Read full article here. E.T.P.: 3'.

Image via TIME.

Is this how the world feel about women? Jessica Roy writes in TIME about the new UN Women ad campaign about global gender inequality: "UN Women–an arm of the U.N. that focuses on women’s issues–has created a powerful advertising campaign that uses data collected from Google on the most popular search terms. As it turns out, the most popular Google queries are indicative of entrenched sexist attitudes that still persist today". Read full article in TIME. E.T.P.: 50''


Photo via The Independent.

A new end of the world? Ucranian astronomers discover a 1,300 ft asteroid that might impact with Earth in 2032 with a force 50 times greater than the biggest ever nuclear bomb. With a chance of collision of 1 in 63,000, asteroid TV135 is going to be added to NASA's Torino scale for risky near Earth objects. Read full article in The Independent. E.T.P.: 1'12''.

Photo: Lwp Kommunikáció/Flickr via Futurity.

As humans live longer, number of endangered animals grow. Human life expectancy is a determining factor for the life expectancy of endangered birds and mammals and “it’s not a random pattern,” says lead author Aaron Lotz, a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology at the University of California. Read this article in Futurity. E.T.P.: 3'40''


 Illustration by Edel Rodriguez via Wired.

Have you ever heard about the Darknet? A network of secretive websites that can’t be viewed on the “regular” Internet. Mostly used for illicit purposes from drugs, arms sales or pedophilia. Darknet sites are hosted on regular servers, but to access them you need special software, usually something that encrypts all users’ traffic and allows them relative anonymity. Read all about it in this article by Clive Thompson in Wired. E.T.P.: 3'45''

Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

Earlier this week Leo Miriani wrote in Quartz: Forget Big Data: the future is Small Data, and Facebook just bought it. Onavo, an Israeli start-up, whose flagship product is a data compressor. When you browse a web page or use an app on your phone, Onavo routes the traffic through its servers, where it compresses and optimizes the data before sending it on to the phone. Call it “small data.” The result is you see exactly the same web page but less data comes out of your plan. Sounds good, right? Well, Facebook thought so too. Read full article here. E.T.P.: 1'20''

Photo: Reuters via The Atlantic.

Interesting article in The Atlantic: Netflix was supposed to kill cable, so why is it beggining to join cable? "Netflix is in serious talks with Comcast and other pay-TV providers to hop onto the cable bundle as a stand-alone channel. Add it to the list of tech companies—Apple, Google, Microsoft, Intel—who have internally debated trying to "disrupt" the cable TV business, but have wound up working with the cable companies (e.g.: Apple, Xbox) or simply built their own cable equivalent (Google Fiber TV)." Read full article here.


"In both writing and sleeping, we learn to be physically still at the same time we are encouraging our minds to unlock from the humdrum rational thinking of our daytime lives. And as your mind and body grow accustomed to a certain amount of sleep each night — six hours, seven, maybe the recommended eight — so can you train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction."

This is a quote of Stephen King that Maria Popova shared in Brain Pickings when talking about King's book: On Writing. In the summer of 1999, King was nearly killed while taking his daily walk. A driver struck King as he strode along the gravel shoulder of Route 5 in Maine. While recovering from his injuries, King wrote On Writing.

Read the whole story, including some insightful excerpts and a 25' recording of the whole story in NPR. E.T.P. 32'.

Image: Screenshot of Shortlist website.

Massive spoiler alert! Shortlist pusblished some of the most famous last words in literature. Here's what they say about it: "If you knew you were about to meet your maker you’d try and make your last words before you shifted off this mortal coil pretty darn special, eh? Literary characters are no different – some succeed in reaching some higher state of gravitas; others, well, their last recorded utterances reflect the banality of much of the human condition. Have a look in Shortlist website. E.T.P.: 4'.


Photo Mabel the pug: "I'm 13 yrs old. I love sleeping, eating and driving my humans crazy! Do you have any treats for me?!?! 🐶🐾" via her Instagram.

Hello dog lover!

Hope you’re up to something fun! Here are a few interesting links from around the web:

99 fun facts about dogs

Useful dog tricks performed by Jesse

5 Apps for dog lovers

Plus, two senior dogs you seriously need to follow on Instagram:

Mabel, the Pug

Candy, the Shih-Tzu


In Dog We Trust is curated by: Carola Melguizo from La Guía del Perro.


Photos The Procrastinator (some) Times

Do you live in London? Have you ever walked around the Capital Ring? Yesterday we walked Section number three starting in Grove Park and finishing in Crystal Palace Station... or to be more precise, pub. This is section was not particularly green but it's always interesting walk around streets and neighborhoods you've never been before. Totally recommended activity for the photogenic autumn. E.T.P.: From the house door until the last beer, 9 hours.

Photo: Peter Bastian via ZooBorns.

Victoria shares one of her favourite ways of procrastinating: the Zoo Borns website. One of their latest aditions are these meerkats; one adorable panda cub; Shiva, a rare Persian leopard; and Joey the koala. Have a look here. E.T.P.: Infinite.

Finally, on a very random note Marie share with us this 13 Pictures of Crazy Goats on Cliffs. Have a look. E.T.P.: 25''.


Photo: Enough Said via The Standard.

Enough Said is on all UK cinemas (and our personal favourite) since this past Friday 18th, and besides the opportunity of watching one of the last performances of James Gandolfini, according to Peter Bradshaw critic in The Guardian, this movie is without any doubts an must see. "A romantic comedy that is romantic and funny and not simply an insult to the intelligence of all carbon-based life forms. Nicole Holofcener's Enough Said is a step up for this director, in whose previous work . . . She has created a thoroughly likable and genuinely funny film and its stars . . . are a revelation, singly and together. Like their director, they unassumingly but decidedly took it to the next level on this movie". Read full article in The Guardian. E.T.P.: 2' And watch the trailer here. E.T.P. 2'21''

Photo via The Independent.

Pop Art Design opens at the London’s Barbican next Tuesday 22 October.  This is an exhibition that aims to showcase for the first time the strong links that existed between the Pop Art movement and design. The Barbica exhibition will feature 200 pieces by over 70 artists and designers like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Peter Blake, Achille Castiglioni, Charles and Ray Eames, among others. Read more in Barbican website. Full article in The Independent. E.T.P. 1'20''


We don't know the author of this image, we took it from Pinterest.

Check our Pinterest Procrastination Board for more images.

And check this news about the official procrastination animal.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 13th of October Edition


This week had been full with the Nobel Prize announcements and the public reactions to them; with more articles about the never ending US Government shutdown, and in a lighter note, with news and reviews from the BFI's London Film Festival. In The Procrastinator (some) Times our main news is the implementation of our brand new: Estimated Time of Procrastination (E.T.P.). We will try to include it in every article we recommend so you can be very German in your procrastination.

Happy Sunday and have a nice read!


Photo via The Independent.

And this year’s Nobel Peace Prize goes to: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), as The Independent points out: "a relative newcomer to the stable of bodies with a remit to enforce the will of the international community, had worked largely behind the scenes until nerve agent attacks in Syria put it center stage this summer". Some have said that this is a premature/aspirational prize, some have said that represents a return to the original disarmament spirit of the prize. The article continues emphasizing that Mr Thorbjoern Jagland, the committee chairman, when announcing the prize said: “We now have the opportunity to get rid of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction... That would be a great event in history if we could achieve that.” Also he added that the award was a reminder to the United States and Russia to eliminate their own sizable stockpiles “especially because they are demanding that others do the same,  like Syria”. Read full article in The Independent. E.T.P.: 2'02''.

Photo: Gary Cameron/Reuters via The Atlantic.

David Rohde in The Atlantic wrote about Paul Ryan's chance to reinvent himself -and save the nation. This is how his article starts: "This week, Representative Paul Ryan may have made himself a leading Republican presidential contender in 2016. By proposing an end to the budget impasse that did not include one word—Obamacare—the Wisconsin Republican may have outmaneuvered Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz". Read full article in The Atlantic. E.T.P: 2'43''.


Image via The Independent.

In a galaxy far, far away... a water world capable of supporting life was found. The remnants of a lost water world of rocks and oceans have been discovered by astronomers – who said they had found the basic ingredients for a habitable planet beyond our Solar System. Astronomers believe the tiny blip on their telescope screens some 150 light years from Earth was once a rocky planet with huge amounts of water – the first time they have found rocks and water together in one place outside the Solar System. Read full article in The Independent. Estimated Time of Procrastination: 2'12''.

 Movie still from Bonnie and Clyde via Wired.

This is a brilliant mix between film and science; Nature published a quantitative analysis of the evolution of novelty in cinema through crowdsourced keywords, and they discovered that you were probably right that one time in that dinner party: movies are not as creative as they used to be. Now, thanks to them and the users of you have the numbers to prove it. You can read a pre-digested article in Wired (E.T.P. 3') or read the hardcore in (E.T.P. 9'45'').

Photo: Levitt, Karplus and Warshel via BBC.

Research that created computer simulations of complex chemical reactions has won the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Martin Karplus of Harvard University and the University of Strasbourg, Michael Levitt of Stanford University and Arieh Warshel of the University of Southern California will share the prize. Using computer programs that marry the power of quantum physics with the low computing demands of classical physics, the three scientists made it possible to describe ultrafast chemical reactions. Read full article in Science News and/or BBC E.T.P.: 1'.


Photo: David Byrne via The Guardian.

This week David Byrne stated in a provocative article in The Guardian that "the Internet will suck all creative content out of the world". In his guess, as with most web-based businesses, only one will be left standing in the end. "There aren't two Facebooks or Amazons. Domination and monopoly is the name of the game in the web marketplace". It sounds about right, right? Want to read the full article, check The Guardian website. Estimated Time of Procrastination: 4'.

Age on Internet Empires. And speaking of the Internet, Fast Company published a map of the most visited websites by country. Guess which two are the most popular ones and who happens to be big in Japan? Click here to see the maps in Fast Company. Estimated Time of Procrastination: 1'46''.


 Photo via The Guardian.

“Never underestimate the meanness in people's souls... Even when they're being kind... especially when they're being kind.” Alice Munro has been awarded the Nobel prize in literature. The writer known as "the Canadian Chekhov" is the 110th winner of the prize and the 13th woman to receive it. Read the news in The Guardian and a interview about "Dear Life" her newest collection of short stories that came out in November 2012, in The New Yorker. E. T. P.: 5'26''.

Image: Lidia Popova, illustrations for Toys by A Olsufieva, 1928. Photograph: Redstone Press via The Guardian.

This very interesting article in The Guardian starts like this: "At the trial of the three Pussy Riot performers in August 2012, one of the accused, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, made a closing statement in their defence. She spoke of Pussy Riot's admiration for those writers and artists who had suffered under Stalin's purges, and in particular for a group of avant garde poets and writers known as Oberiu. Two of the most prominent Oberiu members were Alexander Vvedensky and Daniil Kharms, both of whom were arrested, and died, during the Great Terror." Russia, along with some other countries,  seem to be bringing back into their policies that "sense of threat in the background", that is why we found this article so pertinent. Read it in The Guardian. E. T. P.: 4'35''. 

Lars Von Trier latest movie Nymphomaniac, that will be released in UK movie theaters the next 25th of December have a really orgasmic collection of character posters. Of course. Have a look here. E.T.P.: 23''.


Image via It's Puppytime.

Hello dog lover!

Hope you're having the best Sunday ever! Here are some links to explore:

Do you clean your dog toys? Here are some useful tips

Cancer in dogs: What you need to know

Plus, two dogs you seriously need to follow on Instagram:

Winston, the Bulldog

Murphy, the Golden Retriever


In Dog We Trust is curated by: Carola Melguizo from La Guía del Perro.


Image: It's Nice That - David Wilson shares some of his pitching methods with us. Here, he's talking to his computer, describing his vision for Tame Impala's Mind Mischief video. 

Well folks, it's true- procrastinating (sometimes) really does pay off. This week while using Twitter to avoid being productive I came across a Tweet from Mini promoting an event they were sponsoring with the super fantastic It's Nice That. After re-tweeting I was chuffed to find out I won two tickets to the sold out talks where, following Mini's latest campaign, four creatives would share 'Not Normal' stories about their habits, backgrounds and practice.
A full write-up of the Not Normal Nicer Tuesdays night can be found on It's Nice That's page - which is always worth a visit - but some of my favorite stories included music video director and animator David Wilson's habit of sitting uncomfortably at the top of his stairs to force productivity, installation artist Kate MccGwire's collaboration with bird enthusiasts (most without email) and the guys from ScanLAB illustrating the importance of pushing the boundaries of new and existing technology.  

By Rita Fernández.

Photo: Groucho Marx (our favorite Marx, of course) via The Guardian.

The Guardian just published a nice list with the Guardian and Observer critics' pick of the 10 best comedies. Two weeks ago Marie wrote about the list's number one film, that happens to be one of our favorite movies of all times. We haven't seen three titles (I know), and now we really want to watch Rushmore again. Read The Guardian's full article here. E.T.P. (if you watch all the movies): 22 hours.

 Photo by Touko Hujane via The New York Times.

Meet Timo Alarik Pakkanen, he’s a professional Santa Claus. Every day of the year. He even answers his phone, “Santa Claus.” Mr. Pakkanen lives in Helsinki, Finland, works primarily for tourist and promotional events in Helsinki, appearing at Christmas-themed shops or in television commercials. For the weeks leading up to Christmas, he travels to Japan, where the appetite for kitsch is insatiable and he is greeted like a rock star. The New York Times features a very interesting piece with photos by Touko Hujane. Have a look here. E.T.P.: 7'47''.


Kickstarter are coming to Central Saint Martins! If you are in London and you are a CSM student you definitely shouldn't miss this chance of getting to know this company the next Tuesday at 5pm. Kickstarter are an awesome company from New York. This company are full of projects, big and small, that are brought to life through the direct support of the general public. Since launching in 2009, 5 million people have pledged $822 million, funding 49,000 creative projects. Thousands of creative projects are raising funds on Kickstarter right now. CSM have 50 free places for students to attend first come first serve! More info in Suarts website.

Image via Tate Modern.

Making visible. This Wednesday 16th of October starts the Paul Klee exhibition at the Tate Modern Museum. Rediscover Klee’s extraordinary body of work and see it in a new light. Paintings, drawings and watercolours from collections around the world will be reunited and displayed alongside each other as the artist originally intended, often for the first time since Klee exhibited them himself. More info in the Tate website.