Sunday, 13 October 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 13th of October Edition


This week had been full with the Nobel Prize announcements and the public reactions to them; with more articles about the never ending US Government shutdown, and in a lighter note, with news and reviews from the BFI's London Film Festival. In The Procrastinator (some) Times our main news is the implementation of our brand new: Estimated Time of Procrastination (E.T.P.). We will try to include it in every article we recommend so you can be very German in your procrastination.

Happy Sunday and have a nice read!


Photo via The Independent.

And this year’s Nobel Peace Prize goes to: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), as The Independent points out: "a relative newcomer to the stable of bodies with a remit to enforce the will of the international community, had worked largely behind the scenes until nerve agent attacks in Syria put it center stage this summer". Some have said that this is a premature/aspirational prize, some have said that represents a return to the original disarmament spirit of the prize. The article continues emphasizing that Mr Thorbjoern Jagland, the committee chairman, when announcing the prize said: “We now have the opportunity to get rid of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction... That would be a great event in history if we could achieve that.” Also he added that the award was a reminder to the United States and Russia to eliminate their own sizable stockpiles “especially because they are demanding that others do the same,  like Syria”. Read full article in The Independent. E.T.P.: 2'02''.

Photo: Gary Cameron/Reuters via The Atlantic.

David Rohde in The Atlantic wrote about Paul Ryan's chance to reinvent himself -and save the nation. This is how his article starts: "This week, Representative Paul Ryan may have made himself a leading Republican presidential contender in 2016. By proposing an end to the budget impasse that did not include one word—Obamacare—the Wisconsin Republican may have outmaneuvered Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz". Read full article in The Atlantic. E.T.P: 2'43''.

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