Sunday, 6 October 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 6th of October Edition

 Tens of thousands of young people from the #yosoy132 movement and other civil society organizations marched in Mexico City to protest what they consider a "large number of anomalies, electoral crimes and violent acts" one day after the general elections for president. In the image, youth express their dissatisfaction with the PRI's national executive committee. Mexico City. July 2, 2012. Via Wired.

When violence becomes an everyday thing, sadly stops being news. That is why we bring to the news section of The Procrastinator this multifaceted portfolio of the 32 years old photographer Mauricio Palos about violence in Mexico. Violence should never stop being news, should never stop being a reason to be outraged. "The project includes photos of protesters during the 2012 presidential elections and of ranchers and hunters in the area near San Luis Potosí because he knows the story of violence is more complicated and layered". Have a look at the photos in Wired.

Photo via

A change to the law in Switzerland has decriminalised marijuana, making possession of the drug a minor misdemeanour that will not go on a person’s criminal record. Anyone found with up to 10 grams of the substance will be able to avoid all formal legal proceedings, instead paying an on-the-spot fine of CHF 100 (around £68). Read full article in The Independent.

Photo: Anatomy of a purge via TIME.

The Giveaway Guy. Tor Myhren, President and Chief Creative Officer of Grey New York, recently adopted a radical divestiture (and some might say, contradictory) policy. He’s giving away one thing he owns a day, every day for a year. Read full story in TIME Magazine

Image via Dazed Digital.

Dazed Digital shared with us the story of Silk Road and its owner Dread Pirate Roberts arrest. Dread Pirate Roberts, revealed to be a 29-year-old called Ross William Ulbricht, was busted by the FBI. How? He got sloppy with his social media accounts.

A charge sheet obtained by online security blog KrebsOnSecurity, reveals how the FBI busted Ulbricht by tracing his Google + and LinkedIn accounts. Read full article in Dazed Digital.

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