Sunday, 6 October 2013


Anti-carbon tax protesters in Canberra, motivated by politics, not science. Photograph: Torsten Blackwood/AFP/Getty via The Guardian.

Last week Adam Corner in the New Scientist asked why people is not listening what is being said about climate change. This week, John Abraham and Dana Nuccitelli, keep the conversation going in The Guardian pointing out that, being honest, the global warming debate isn't about science. The scientific evidence on human-caused global warming is clear. Opposition stems from politics, not science. Read full article in The Guardian.

Crystals in polarized light (urea) by Fernan Federici via Wired.

Wired published this week a series of microscopic images that belong to Fernan Federici, Biological Sciences Ph.D. from Cambridge University, that will definitely blow your mind. "A couple years ago, Federici was working on his Ph.D. in biological sciences at Cambridge University studying self-organization (...) using microscopes and a process called fluorescence microscopy to see if he could identify these kinds of patterns on a cellular level. Have a look at this amazing colleciton of images in Wired.

Photo The trail left behind by the Chelyabinsk meteorite as it rushed through the atmosphere. Image: Константин Кудинов/Wikimedia, via Wired.

According to Wired and their report on a Russian meteorite, it turns out that Earth gets hit by meteorites more often than we think. "Meteorite collisions are often compared in size to nuclear explosions, but because they are speeding toward Earth they have momentum that makes them far more destructive. And to make matters worse, they may occur more often than currently estimated". Read full article in Wired.

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