Sunday, 29 September 2013


 Photo via Brain Pickings.

Why do we go to space? "In the beginning of our space program, the answer had a lot to do with war and paranoia. But with the dawn of the space shuttle, that all changed." Explore invite us to watch the new episode of It’s Okay To Be Smart, the thoughts of Isaac Asimov on why spend money on it, and also a priceless conversation between Carl Sagan, Ray Bradbury, and Isaac Asimov on the subject. Have a look at all the links via Explore.

Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

This week Adam Corner for New Scientist asks a very simple question about climate science: why the world won't listen? Surely, back in 2008, after Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth buzz the scientific and economic cases were made for political and civil actions to be taken. However, the exact opposite happened and "apathy, lack of interest and even outright denial are more widespread than they were in 2008". Apparently, when it comes to climate change, as the New Scientist points out, "communicators need to find better ways to connect with their audience". Read full article here.

Image via Meat the Future Cookbook IndieGogo.

This week the people from Next Nature shared with us their new project the In Vitro Meat Cookbook, a visually stunning exploration of the new “food cultures” lab-grown meat might create and their contribution to solve the world's protein crisis. "This book approaches lab-grown meat not just from a design and engineering perspective, but also from a societal and ethical one." If you want more info or you want to back-up this project, click here.

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