Sunday, 22 September 2013

Procrastinator (some) Times Sunday 22nd of September Edition


This week there was tons of things to do in London, but mainly we honoured both procrastination and the autumn-ish weather with a lot of indoors procrastination, that means that we watched a lot of movies, series and documentaries, and that we had the time to read a lot of things on the Internet, but we are recommending and sharing just the best. Our contributor Marie James did managed to go to a couple of LDF's events. She is sharing her experience with us and if you want to do the same for next week, please just send your article/post/critic/photo our way. 

Hope you have a nice reading and a happy Sunday.


Photo: Bassam Khabieh/Reuters via Big Picture.

While we wait and see how the Syrian conflict unfolds, one of the world's best photojournalism blog, Boston Globe's The Big Picture publishes 23 photos showing Syrians struggle as the civil war continues. Great work being made by journalists and photographers. Nothing more to say really. Watch the photos here.

Image via Fast Company.

Researchers from the University of New South Wales, CSIRO, and the University of Sydney calculated a new measure they call the “material footprint” of 186 nations and published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences recently. The results? Wealthy countries that seemed to be slowing their environmental impact are actually as bad as ever. Read full article in Fast Company.


Chinese University Asks Students to Sign 'Suicide Waivers'. City College of Dongguan University of Technology in China’s coastal Guangdong is asking students entering its freshman class to sign a document absolving the school of responsibility should the student commit suicide — a macabre sign, say some, of the growing pressures of Chinese society. Read full article in Time.

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