Sunday, 8 September 2013


Illustration via The Economist.

EVER since 3D printing became a mainstream topic of conversation couple of years ago, comment has veered towards two extremes, argues The Economist. "Fans, often in America, insist it will have a dramatic impact, undermining the economics of mass production and repatriating jobs to the West . . . Critics denounce it as overblown hype". And this article From dental braces to astronauts' seats will show you some signs that 3D printing is transforming manufacturing, but not in the ways you might expect. Read it here.

Photo: John Maeda via Wired.

This week artist, graphic designer, computer scientist, and educator, John Maeda asked If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is? Signs seem to point to art. People, he argues, are now looking for a way to reconnect with their values, "to ground how they can, will, and should live in the world". I know that I'm going to sound like one of those know-it-all assholes, but honestly I think that signs have always pointed to art, not just now, historically. Always. Nevertheless Maeda's reflections are valid and you can read them in Wired.

 Photo: Screenshot of the Tweeting Piano video.

A tweeting piano at London College of Communication invite us to drop our mobiles and tweet a musical message using its keys. The Tweet is sent along with a sound file of how the Tweet ‘sounds’ when it is played. From the outside is just an old piano, but using the pentatonic scale, the creator team, formed by post-grad students of MA Interactive Media, allocated the letters of the alphabet and some common characters to the keys. You can follow the @TweetingPiano or visit the website.

 Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

Finally, Josh Epperson opens his article The Power of Meaningless in Medium saying: "This is not another piece about following your passions. This is not a commentary about making a career from what you love. This is not an essay on being more productive. This is about taking things less seriously, and enjoying life as best you can." He argues in favor of doing meaningless activities that let your mind wonder around... you how we call this in here? Yes, that's right: procrastination (the good kind). Read Epperson reflections and nice examples in Medium.

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