Sunday, 10 November 2013


Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

"Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.” George Monbiot

This past week we attended to an interesting lecture in the RSA called: Reaching into the Outside. The speakers were Dr Jo Twist, CEO at the UKIE (Association of UK Interactive Entertainment); Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children’s Commissioner for England; Jonathon Porritt CBE, environmental writer, broadcaster and co-founder of Forum for the Future and the Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive.

One of the most interesting interventions was Dr Jo Twist's. She talked about the power of games to make young people understand complex systems and the notion of consequence. She also pointed out that nowadays keeping children 'locked digitally' is as much damaging as keeping them 'lock inside'. After all "being playful is the engine of innovation and creativity" Eric Zimmerman's Manifesto.

Dr Maggie Atkinson, on the other hand pointed out that given that life is anything but simple, so we need to teach children about complexity. I thought that is interesting how "complexity" is a word that used to be feared, everyone praised simplicity, and now is coming back, reloaded in all its complexity.

Finally Johnattan Porrit said that the climate change message it's been normalized in the last years. There is more awareness between kids in school (as opposed as with adults that simply chose not to 'believe' in climate change). That doesn't mean that all the children are going to become activists, of course, but they will be more open to an invitation to get involved.

It was a short and sweet lecture and if you want to watch it you can go the RSA You Tube channel clicking here.

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