Sunday, 24 November 2013


Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

Marketers, Welcome to the World of Disappearing Media. Snapchat's model gets viewers to focus and act fast, before the content vanishes forever. There has been a lot of articles trying to discern if refusing a 3b offer from Facebook was a smart move from the guys behind Snapshat, and now David Berkovitz in AdAge asks what would happen if all media functioned like Snapchat? Read it here. E.T.P. 4' 

Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

Five ways the advertising industry is about to transform. "Technology has prompted tremendous change in the advertising industry—change that would have been inconceivable even a decade ago. People are accessing, consuming, and sharing content in more varied ways than ever, and marketers have scores of new opportunities to understand, reach, and engage with consumers. But at the same time the ecosystem of technologies that supports online advertising has become so complicated and cumbersome that it actually makes it harder for advertisers to invest more money to market effectively, putting the industry’s growth at risk." Sounds familiar? Keep reading Bob Lord's post in the HBR Blog. E.T.P. 5'

Photo: twechy/Flickr via WIRED.

Cady Metz article in Wired starts like this: Eight years after a group of authors and publishers sued Google for scanning more than 20 million library books without the permission of rights holders, a federal judge has ruled that the web giant’s sweeping book project stayed within the bounds of U.S. copyright law. Boom. Want to know how is that possible? Read full article here. E.T.P. 4'

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