Sunday, 17 November 2013


Steven Soderbergh in Venezia via Open Culture.

For a reason that I don't understand Open Culture published a list of every movie, book and play that Steven Soderbergh watched, read or attended during the year 2009. There is a lot of material, and it's amazing procrastination time, so if you want to have a look and ponder if you could have a nice time having a pint with Steve, click here. And just out of curiosity, do you also keep a viewing log? E.T.P. 6'

Photo: The Procrastinator (some) Times.

Storytellers have more fun, writes Refe Tuma, in Medium: "if we look at the interesting people in our lives, I think we’ll find few of them have climbed Mount Everest or broken a wild mustang. Most have never wrestled an alligator or gotten embroiled in a covert operation. Most haven’t seen a whole lot of real excitement. So, what makes them so compelling? Interesting people often lead surprisingly ordinary lives, but they are not ordinary. What sets them apart is their ability to tell a good story." Read full story in Medium. E.T.P. 5'

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