Sunday 2 March 2014


Photos via The Creators Project.

"BioScapes Photo Competition Winners Prove Sometimes Nature Is The Best Artist. An annual contest that challenges both scientists and every day nature enthusiasts to find beauty in the tiniest of microbes, the Humped Bladderwort beat out over 2,100 still images submitted from 71 countries for the grand prize and unofficial title of "the hottest thing under a microscope."  Read full article and see some pretty amazing photos in The Creators Project. E.T.P. 5'

Photo via The Independent.

"How would you like to own 33 of the most interesting items in the world? This is the pitch behind a new Kickstarter project called the Mini Museum, which promises pocket-sized collections from objects spanning “billions of years of life, science and history”. For $239 (£143) backers of the project will receive a resin block containing various rare fragments. Everything from mammoth hair to a fragment of coal from the Titanic is included". Read full article in The Independent. E.T.P. 3'

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