Sunday, 9 March 2014


Buno, Korengal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan,2008.
Tim Hetherington. (5 December 1970 – 20 April 2011).
British-American photojournalist, filmmaker. 
Second Part.
When shooting the war documentary Restrepo with Sebastian Junger in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. He created a series of photographs of man bonding and the sleeping soldiers. Most of these intimate photographs depict American soldiers in , while others capture images from the Liberian civil war. As Junger puts it, “the artistic choices he made were incredibly risky, but he was very sure of himself and wound up completely re-inventing his craft. The title of my film, Which Way Is the Front Line from Here?, refers as much to Tim’s artistic instincts as to any combat situation he may have been in.” (Read full article here).

"...the war machine is too put a group of man together in extreme circumstances, and get them to bond together and they will kill and be killed for each other"

"at the end of the day you realize that it was just a group of young men that were pout in this mountain and they are trying to do is survive just looking after for each (...), and that was it really, nothing to do with war, nothing to do with politics."

-What are you doing?
-Don't you get it?
-(...)this is what the american publics never gets to see, (...) we want to see the soldiers as strong, we don't wanna know that they are also this vulnerable boys."

Murphy, Korengal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan, 2008.

Kelso, Korengal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan, 2008.

The PhotoAutomat section is edited by the Brooklyn-based photographer Andreína Restrepo

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