Sunday, 31 May 2015

NEWS: Syria's First Responders Say They Need a No-Fly Zone, But No One Listens

"For the second time in as many months, United Nations Security Council members have heard from Syrians working to save civilians from the government's exploding barrel bombs and alleged chlorine attacks, and again were asked to impose measures, including no-fly zones, to save lives. But diplomats and officials, including those in the US government, say such steps are unlikely.
Last Wednesday, Raed Saleh, the head of Syria's "White Helmets," a volunteer civil defense search and rescue corp that responds to victims of the country's four year civil war, met privately with EU diplomats and United Nations representatives, accompanied by a representative from Mayday Rescue, a group that has trained and supported the White Helmets.
In an interview with VICE News, Saleh said he wants the "Syrian people to get safe zones to protect civilians from the airstrikes of the Syrian Regime."
"The Syrian people have lost confidence in all the international community," said Saleh. "The Syrian people have been killed for 4 years and nobody acted seriously to stop the killing." Read full article in VICE News. E.T.P. 6'

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