Sunday, 1 December 2013


Photo via Fast Company.

John Miziolek in Fast Company shares with us the reasons why design thinking starts at the top. "The impact is undeniable when a company like Apple puts so much extra effort into making its products and marketing look “cool,” as well as ensuring that its look is unified and communicates the level of innovation that the organization prides itself on. And the business community clearly admires the company's dedication to overall design. That admiration, however, does not usually translate into action; meaning that few companies put that kind of “design thinking” at the top (or even near the top) of their corporate agendas, even though an overall organizational design implementation can provide incredible benefits. Read full article in Fast Company. E.T.P. 5'

Photo via The Atlantic.

What happens when Big Data meets human resources? The emerging practice of "people analytics" is already transforming how employers hire, fire, and promote. Yes, you got it. Welcome to Brazil (the movie, not the country). Read full article in The Atlantic. E.T.P. 12'

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