Sunday, 28 September 2014


Poster by François Caspar via The New York Times.

Interesting article by Rob Walker in The New York Times about how design has moved from aesthetic to the strategic and participatory. "The golden age of design has been heralded many times over the past couple of decades — four, by my count. Now, this previous momentum paired with technology, community and big business has fueled something new: an unprecedented belief in the power of design to not only elevate an idea, but be the idea." Read full article in The New York Times. E.T.P. 4'

Alibaba CEO Jack Ma outside the New York Stock Exchange prior to his company’s initial public offering Friday.        Photo: Jason DeCrow / AP via WIRED.

"Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Intel. As of midday on Friday, Alibaba is now worth more than all of them. On its first day as a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange, shares in the Chinese e-commerce giant shot up by nearly one-third above their initial asking price. The surge put the value of the company at around $228 billion. The only U.S. tech companies worth more by market cap are Apple ($609 billion), Google ($400 billion), and Microsoft ($387 billion).
And even those giants may see Alibaba closing in." Read full article by Marcus Wohlsen in WIRED. E.T.P. 3'

Photo via Design Milk.

Post-it fan? Yes, we too. This is kind of a big deal for you then: Post-it is taking the analog collaboration experience and digitizing it with Post-it Plus App. "The app captures physical brainstorm sessions, storyboards, project plans, and other projects and makes them digital, so you and your team can easily work faster and smarter. With the ability to capture up to 50 Post-it Notes at once, the Post-it Plus App can keep your brains working from anywhere to keep the momentum going, even outside of the office." Read all about it in Design Milk. E.T.P. 3'

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